
Mixxx Socket Error



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You will find it at /.mixxx/ mixxx.log. X where ix is the number of Mixxx runs since then. I have also prepared a Mixxx 2.1 alpha version that has additional debug messages. Https:/ /launchpad. Net/nschloe/ +archive/ ubuntu/ mixxx-nightly. If the issue still happens with this build, please post the mixxx.log as well. Hi Gabriel, Thank you for your work supporting Mixxx! Just noticed you are still waiting for a response, so I will answer although I am not a controller expert. Pushed some changes that should now make this actually better. Reading little bit libshout code and noted that aether get connection or end up to misery. Thinking this through made me sure there is no need for these extra delays because trying to open socket will take care of this (if network is slow and if it's fast it doesn't matter anyway). Release notes. This release does not have release notes. This release does not have a changelog. Mixxx 2.1 Socket is Busy. If you can connect to other stream servers from Mixxx it is unlikely that Mixxx is the issue. Have you tried to connect to this server.

On a x64 windows, installed the latest release and proper version of lame placed it where mixx is C:Program FilesMixxx , are you sure it should not be in a folder like plugins etc ?
http://downloads.mixxx.org/builds/maste .. se-x64.exe
http://www.rarewares.org/files/mp3/libm .. 9.5x64.zip
AppDataLocalMixxxmixxx.cfg has my host, password and port properly but i get the error below
Debug [Main]: in VinylGainSlotApply() with gain: 0 dB
Debug [Controller]: ControllerManager::getControllerList
Debug [Main]: DlgPrefShoutcast::shoutcastEnabledChanged() 1
Debug [EngineShoutcast 1]: EngineShoutcast::run: starting thread
Debug [EngineShoutcast 1]: NetworkStreamWorker state: 8 14 0
Debug [EngineShoutcast 1]: EngineShoutcast: updating from preferences
Debug [EngineShoutcast 1]: NetworkStreamWorker state: 3 14 0
Debug [EngineShoutcast 1]: EngineShoutcast::updateFromPreferences: Can't edit preferences when playing
Debug [EngineShoutcast 1]: Streaming server made fatal error. Can't continue connecting: 'Nonsensical arguments'
Warning [EngineShoutcast 1]: Streaming error: 'Nonsensical arguments

Cisco Socket Error

Please check your connection to the Internet and verify that your username and password are correct.'
Debug [EngineShoutcast 1]: NetworkStreamWorker state: 3 14 0

Socket Error 10051

Debug [Main]: DlgPrefShoutcast::shoutcastEnabledChanged() 0

This was a all around fail!

As soon as the servers were available (previous DJ disconnected) I clicked Options - Enable Live Broadcast and immediately got a Failed on both connections. (See image) It didn't seem to want to retry the connections. I had to revert to other DSP / Encoders. I tried it again at the end of my show. So I know I disconnected the 3rd party encoder before clicking Enable Live Broadcast, it still didn't connect. I had the station manager verify my encoder settings including passwords.

Mixxx Connection error
One of the Live Broadcast connection raised this error.
Error with connection 'The Bluegrass Jamboree new'
Can't connect to streaming server


1. What do you use to test these encoders? I had to keep Preference up to see if they connected and glad I did because they didn't connect.

Socket Error Mac

2. The encoders need to try and connects probably 3 - 5 times or even more on initial connection. Maybe a setting)

Socket Error 10060

Note: I had updated to the latest version of 2.1 beta. When I tested on our Test Server it was a previous version of 2.1 beta.

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