
How To Play Warframe On Mac Crossover


Hello Fellow Fanfictioneers,

I'd like to point out that this fan fiction is my first one to be published, On that note please feel free to post any constructive criticism that may help me improve my writing. I'm here too learn as much as I'm here because I love writing. On another note I will be updating rather haphazardly cause life and stuff. So without further a due, Please Enjoy..

There are many people that play Warframe. I am on mac so I can not download it and play on steam. Many people want to play Warframe on mac like me and don't want to waste our time playing warframe through Ports, Parallels, or Bootcamp. PLEASE MAKE THIS GAME FOR MAC! Nov 27, 2015 In this video i will tell you how to play warframe on mac! You need either crossover or wine or wineskin Thanks to all people on the warframe forums for answering i made this video during summer. PlayOnMac will allow you to play your favorite games on Mac easily. I made a youtube video on how to install warframe on playonlinux/mac. Both these methods have flaws and cost quite a bit of cash just to play SWTOR for mac. There is a recently developed Star Wars The Old Republic version with a mac port that allows mac users to play the game by using a software called Crossover Games.

P.S. Both Mass Effect and Warframe Are own by their respective owners..


Chapter 1:

A Message Received

Cronos Base, Location Unknown…

The Illusive Man, Jack Harper, was sitting in his chair looking out the panoramic window in his office. His electric blue cybernetic eyes taking in the magnificent view it offered of the large star situated close to the base. It had been a long day for the Illusive Man, Shepard was once again giving him problems like usual. Honestly, sometimes he wondered if bringing him back to life was the best option for Cerberus. Of course he could find no justification among the various thoughts floating through his mind. At least he could say that Shepard would help save humanity and get the job done no matter what. His goody two shoes nature aside, Shepard was a fantastic Commander leading with unparalleled charisma. He was feared by his enemies and respected by his allies. Suddenly a beeping sound emanating from his computer broke him out of his trance and had him staring at the rapidly beeping console. Taking one last long puff of his cigarette, he tapped the green answer button on his terminal, the holographic communication system coming to life behind him as a visual hologram of Kai Leng, one of his most trusted and effective operatives, appeared in the center of the room.

'Hello Kai, I hope everything went well with your previous assignment.' Said The Illusive Man with a kind voice that only he could make intimidating.

'Of Course Sir, all the intel you asked for is included in this file. Forwarding Now.' Responded Kai, his hologram quickly tapping away on his omnitool for a few seconds before a sudden ping could be heard from the Illusive Man's terminal. He looked over to see the intel he requested on the current state of the council. Notes on the Councilors, their current political stances, the state of affairs, how security is going over there and various other topics of note about the citadel. He quickly skimmed through the documents, reaching documents of similar notes dealing with various high important locations; Omega, the Terminus systems, Alliance space, Council space, Ilium, etc.

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'Impressive Kai, Very Impressive. Keep working like this and you'll find yourself rising through Cerberus' ranks. Thank you Kai. Now Get some leave. You've earned it.' Said The Illusive Man. He meant it too. Kai had been nothing but loyal,effective and efficient in his work with Cerberus. He deserved a little break. Better now then when Shepard inevitably resigned from the organization.

'Thanks sir, Your words mean a lot. Before I sign off however I have one more piece of information. I've intercepted reports of an unknown signal coming from a previously uncharted area of the Terminus Systems. I'm Forwarding the information to you now.' Once again Kai tapped away at his omnitool and sent the file.

Looking at the document, the Illusive Man gave it a quick once over before quickly looking it over once more, his cybernetic eyes gleaming with curiosity.

'Could it be a simple pirate ship that was taken out and left to drift. It is the Terminus after all.' Asked the Illusive Man curiously.

'I've explored the possibility. But the signal matches no known IFF.' Responded Kai.

Omnisphere google drive. 'Collector perhaps. Maybe even Reaper. This could prove to be a major problem if it is one of the two.' Pondered the Illusive Man.

'It's a possibility.'

'In that case we shouldn't risk anything. I'll have Shepard check it out his knowledge on the Reapers and the Collectors would be invaluable if that were the case. Thank you Kai. Enjoy your time off.' Concluded the Illusive Man.

'Thank you sir, Kai Leng signing out.' Said Kai with a slight bow as his hologram faded out of existence.

Turning to face the star once more the Illusive Man lit yet another cigarette and took a nice long drag. Exhaling the sweet aromatic smoke, he turned to face his monitor and with his off hand pushed a button on the holographic screen. Soon enough a very perky feminine voice began to emanate from his computer.

'Hello sir, I'm assuming you're calling to alert Shepard about something.' Said the woman on the other line.

'Yes, Kelly, please tell Shepard to reach me as soon as possible. I feel that we may have a situation arising in the Terminus systems.' Said the Illusive Man.

'Of course Sir, He on a mission to recruit Jack right now. We are currently docked with Purgatory and should be leaving with the next few hours.' Kelly said happily over the comms. Suddenly the sound of an explosion could be heard in the distance. With a sigh, Kelly continued,

'Never mind.. We might be held up a little sir. I'll let Shepard know to contact you when he can.'

'Thank you Kelly. Keep up with the good work. Oh, and if you can please have Shepard contact me as fast as possible. It's a very important matter.' Finished the Illusive Man. Slowly he leaned back in his chair and sighed heavily. This was going to be a long day.

Meanwhile in Purgatory, Cruiser Class Prison Ship, Osun System, Hourglass Nebula..

BANG! The loud retort of an M6 Carnifex blasted through the Purgatory cell block. With that sound yet another dead. Yet another blue suns merc, a batarian, put down with a single mass accelerated round through the head. Of Course as that lone batarian merc fell four more mercs came running through the cell block exit just across the walkway from where Shepard and his party were taking cover.

'Christ they just keep coming. Of course this whole deal had to be a trap. It's always a trap.' Complained Shepard while ducking out of cover and putting down another merc, a turian this time, with three precise incendiary rounds to the head.'

'C'mon Shepard, these are Blue Suns mercs we're talking about here. You had to at least expect some kind of deception.' Said Garrus, overloading the shields of another merc, before shepard followed up with 4 four shots to the chest. The human merc stood no chance as the incendiary ammo of Shepard's M6 tore through his armor and pulverized his chest cavity staining the sleek metal floors with purple as the crimson blood of the human mixed with the blue turian blood already soaking the ground.

'Look I figured it'd be a trap but seriously. It'd be nice to have been wrong for a change.' Yelled Shepard. Hunkering down as the last remaining merc began to open fire on him with his assault rifle. That barrage of mass accelerated rounds was cut short however when the final merc was torn apart by a biotic warp thanks to Miranda.

'Would you two just shut up and get on with the mission. Jack will get away if we continue to progress this slowly.' Demanded Miranda as she walked passed the two men. Garrus was quick to respond like always.

'Sure thing Ice Queen.' he said while a chuckle.


'Let's go guys. Garrus Miranda's right. We need to hurry.' Shepard said. With that the party began to push forward killing mechs and mercs alike as they progressed through the station. Finally the group reached the last cell block after resupplying ammo off the mercs they killed in the last room. Arriving at yet another door and stacking up against it, the group opened the door and charged for cover. Miranda took down two mercs with a combo of biotics and her trusty M4 Shuriken sub machine gun before placing herself behind a column offering a decent view of the area. At the same time Garrus made for a pretty good sniping position taking out a merc with a powerful concussive shot and sending him flying. Shepard took cover on the right flank beating down a merc with the butt of his M15 Vindicator assault rifle before ending him with a quick three round burst. He decided to look up from where he was but before he could do anything else. Bang! He was knocked on his back, the impact of what must have been a sniper round pushing him to the ground. Rolling into cover before another round could impact his now unshielded form, he heard Warden Kuril Yelling from his elevated position.

'You had to ruin everything. I could have been rich. Protecting the galaxy from these villainous scum while living the high life.'

'Your nothing but a two bit slaver, taking people captive and selling them to the highest bidder. You commit heinous acts and then have the balls to justify such things. I thought you were alright at first but you went and threw it away. Now surrender and I might consider letting you off with the Turian court.' Yelled Shepard.

'You're more trouble than you're worth! You know that? I think I'll just kill you all myself.' Retorted Kuril.

'They never learn do they Shepard.' Sighed Garrus.

'Mercs will be mersc it seems. Shall we use our normal strategy for taking out heavily armored and shielded targets?' Said Shepard.

'Just like old times Shepard.' Yelled out Garrus over the sound of gunfire.

'Just like old times' Repeated Shepard as he ducked out of cover, using his Vindicator to take out a merc whose head was just a little too far out of cover. Meanwhile Garrus switched out his assault rifle for his M-92 Mantis sniper rifle. Miranda was also ready for their three step plan to take down Kuril, taking cover behind a tall crate while gunning down another merc with her submachine gun.

'Take out the grunts first!' Yelled out Shepard as he threw an incendiary grenade at a group of three mercs who decided to group up just a little too close to each other. They quickly found themselves cooked inside their armor. Garrus fired a heavy concussive shot at a batarian merc sending him flying out of cover. He was quickly picked off by yet another burst courtesy of Miranda's submachine gun. Seeing his supposedly top of their class mercenaries all dead, Kuril yelled out in rage.

'You shits! I'm going to flay you all alive when I get my hands of you three.'

'Oh yeah Kuril. We'll see about that. Garrus now!'. With that Shepard's masterful three part plan was set into motion. Garrus' omnitool lit up a bright orange as he sent an overwhelming pulse of electricity out towards Kuril. This had a dual effect of overloading Kuril's shields, effectively frying them as well as stunning Kuril long enough to have him stay out of cover for Miranda to easily use her biotics. She moved gracefully out of cover and pulled her right hand back, the tell tale purple glow of biotics enveloped her before concentrating into a large ball in her hand. A biotic warp had formed and now found itself on a direct collision course with Kuril. The ball of concentrated dark matter hit him square in the chest, shredding his armor as it bypassed his non functional shields. Out in the open and with no more armor or shields, Kuril was was completely hopeless against the the three high caliber rounds placed neatly through his skull thanks to Shepard's M97 Viper marksman rifle. Kuril was dead before he ever even hit the floor, the high caliber rounds from Shepard's marksman rifle reducing the corrupt Warden's head to a pulp. The squad payed no mind to Kuril's nearly headless form as they made a beeline for Jack. Finally getting to her at the docking area, the chase ended up in a lovely, and incredibly hostile, conversation between the four people standing in the room.

'I not going with Cerberus. You can forget it. Now, give me one reason why I shouldn't blast you all to bits with my biotics.' Yelled out a clearly hysterical Jack.

'Jack, I know you don't have a good history with Cerberus. I don't either, but right now they're a necessary evil. The collectors are abducting entire human colonies Jack. Also I'm not working for Cerberus. I'm just using their resources.' Please Jack. This mission needs your biotic expertise if the human race is to survive the collector's apparent insistence on kidnapping all of us.' Pleaded Shepard. Thankfully Jack relented. Although not before noting how she wanted access to all files Cerberus had on her. A catch that Shepard was more that willing to comply with. It's not like he cared about Cerberus and their secrets anyways.

How To Play Warframe Multiplayer

So with that, the squad plus one, found themselves back aboard the Normandy ready for their next mission. A mission that may prove to bring change to the whole galaxy.

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