Name: Pioneer CDJ-2000 Author: Patje_1 - Professional edition user - Date added: Sat 09 Jan 10 @ 3:44 pm Last update: Tue 12 Jan 10 @ 11:37 am Monthly downloads: 26 Total downloads: 54 553 Your current licenses do not allow you to download Skins |
Dec 01, 2013 Pioneer CDJ2000 Nexus & Pioneer DJM900 Nexus virtual dj skin free download!! Click download file button or Copy pioneer cdj 200 skin virtual dj URL which shown in textarea when you clicked file title, and paste it into your browsers address bar. If file is multipart don't forget to check all parts before downloading! In next page click regular or free download and wait certain amount of time (usually around 30. How to download virtual dj skin pioneer cdj 1000 djm 800 files to my device? Click download file button or Copy virtual dj skin pioneer cdj 1000 djm 800 URL which shown in textarea when you clicked file title, and paste it into your browsers address bar. Descarga Skin Pionner DDJ S-Z (Virtual DJ 8) Descargar Skin Serato DJ 2.5.1 (Virtual DJ 8) Descarga Skin Traktor v. 2.6 (Virtual DJ 8) Skin Denon MC6000 (Virtual DJ 7/8) Skin Focus (Virtual DJ 8) Descarga Pack de 200 Skins para virtual DJ pro 8 f. Descarga Skin Pioneer DDJ WeGO WAF v8 (VDJ8) Descarga Skin Pioneer DDJ-SZ Silver v7 Sampler (Vi.
I made a high quality skin with the new Pioneer CDJ-2000 and get it so realistic as possible. The skin is totaly rewriten for the latest gen. VDJ and works only with version 6.0 or higher.
This skin is including my older DVJ-1000 skin.
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